
As the only think tank in Europe covering nearly all EU policy areas, CEPS is in a unique position to provide a 360-degree viewpoint on any policy proposal and we are also able to identify potential synergies and cross-cutting implications. This is much appreciated by all our members.


CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs with an exceptional in-house research capacity and extensive network of partner institutes. We provide an independent platform for exchange and offer potential solutions for EU policymaking through research projects and publications, task forces and regular events and workshops. At CEPS, our researchers provide expert insights and policy analysis across a vast array of policy areas: from economy and finance to better regulation, the digital economy and trade, energy and climate issues, to foreign policy, amongst others.


Our membership network is made up of approximately 150 members from many different types of industries and associations. At CEPS we rely on a broad and stable membership base to support our mission, maintain our independence and keep abreast of trends in the European landscape. In addition, our members serve as crucial sounding boards to test the feasibility of our policy recommendations.

CEPS declines any donation that would alter its commitment to complete independence to set its own research priorities. Furthermore, no member can contribute more than 2.5% of CEPS annual income.

By joining CEPS, you support independent and quality research that contributes to European and global policy debates. In return, you will have the opportunity to interact directly with EU decision-makers in a variety of settings, both formal and informal, to join informed and balanced debates on European affairs and to gain expert insights on political issues and legislative proposals.

Deepen your insights of current and future policy implications by accessing briefings from CEPS researchers.

Learn and exchange views on the most important EU policy developments by being part of the CEPS Task Forces, Summer School, and CEPS Ideas Lab.

Expand the visibility of your organisation by engaging with the CEPS network. CEPS hosts regular gatherings of its corporate and institutional members representing industry, regulators, institutions, associations, and academia.

Engage in thought-provoking discussions with diverse stakeholders while taking advantage of complimentary access to CEPS Ideas Lab, exclusive thematic roundtable sessions, high-profile speaker events, expert briefings, and members-only webinars.

Receive a weekly member newsletter for important updates on research and publications. Be among the first to learn about the latest policy developments.

Use a neutral platform to co-host special events with CEPS, ensuring a well-informed and balanced discussion. Opportunity to commission independent research on a topic of joint interest. 





Andrea Bittnerová

Senior Events and External Relations Manager

Laura Nicolás

Membership and Liaison Officer